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Do Not List

* Do Not consume blood-thinning substances for 5-days prior to your treatment. The
most common culprits are things like Aspirin, St. John’s Wort, Fish Oil, Vitamin E,
and/or lots of alcoholic beverages. (These are all anti-coagulators and will increase
likelihood of bruising and bleeding at the injection site.)
* Do Not schedule your treatment within 3-weeks of any big-event.
(Anytime the skin is broken, there is a chance for bruising or swelling.
Please make sure to give your body plenty of healing time before an event in case this occurs.)
* Do Not If you have had recent dental work, it is not safe to move forward with lip-
injections. Please wait at least 2-weeks between lip injections and dental work to
make sure that all wounds have had time to heal and there is no risk of spreading
* Do Not If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, it is not safe for you to undergo any
cosmetic injections. 

Do List

* Do tell us if you have previously suffered from facial cold sores. (We can prescribe a
   medication to minimize the chance of a break-out.)
* Do feel free to bring a picture of your desired outcome. Our definition of “plumped”
   or “smoothed” or “contoured” could vary drastically from yours. We want to make
   sure we are on the same page as you.
* Do you have micro-bladed eyebrows? If so, please call your brow-provider to see
   what they recommend for Botox with your eyebrow treatment
* Do you know that you bruise easily? Please tell us at the time of scheduling and we can
   make suggestions for products to take beforehand to help with this.

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